After Weight Loss Surgery
We offer the following tests to manage patients after weight loss surgery.
- Measurement of Weight and Body Mass Index
- Blood work- Blood count, Metabolic panel, Lipid panel , Hemoglobin A1C, Iron studies, Vitamin and Mineral levels
Managing your diet, exercise and stress is key to managing your weight after weight loss surgery.
- Goals: Goals in management after weight loss surgery include losing weight, maintaining your weight loss, avoiding complications and side-effects from surgery and managing vitamin and other nutrient deficiencies.
- Eat small meals slowly: Eat your meal or drink a cup of liquid over 30 minutes. Take small bites and chew thoroughly. Eat small amounts of food at each time and sip liquids slowly between meals.
- Take recommended vitamin and mineral supplements: Depending on the weight loss surgery you have had, your body may not be able to absorb certain vitamins and minerals. Therefore you will need to take supplements.
- Exercise Most Days of the Week: Exercise at least 30 minutes most days of the week. More importantly avoid being sedentary.
If you have had weight loss surgery, please consult with our doctor to manage your nutrition.